Eamonn O'Brien-Strain


date: '2010-11-12 10:53:32' layout: post slug: hudson-and-play-%e2%80%93-how-to-configure-hudson-for-continuous-integration-of-play-framework-web-applications status: publish title: Hudson and Play – how to configure Hudson for continuous integration of Play Framework Web Applications wordpress_id: '1014' categories: Programming

The Play Framework is a very nice rapid-development environment for building Java web applications. It brings many of the sensibilities of Ruby on Rails to Java web development, including a nice test framework that allows for test-driven design. However, when you use Play you need to use its own particular build system using command-line commands such as “play run” and “play test”, and not more standard Java build systems like Ant or Maven.

Hudson is an amazingly useful continuous integration environment that you can set up to watch all your modules in your source-control-system. When it sees a commit you can have it compile your module, track compiler warnings, run regression tests, and track code coverage. I have used Hudson successfully on many projects, but always using Hudson's integration to the Ant build system.

To integrate Play with Hudson I created a simple Makefile in the Play project directory:


hudson: play-test play-javadoc

play-test: ../play-1.1 $(PLAY) auto-test

play-javadoc: ../play-1.1 $(PLAY) javadoc

../play-1.1/play: play-1.1.zip cd ..; unzip */play-1.1.zip

(Note that this assumes that I have included a ZIPed copy of the play framework in the module directory. The first time the default target is called this will be unzipped into a sibling directory of the module directory. This means that I do not need any special setup of the Hudson server for Play — the module is self-contained.)

In the Hudson configuration you then need simply put in a script that changes to the module directory and invokes “make” [caption id=“attachment_1016” align=“alignnone” width=“768” caption=“”]Configuring Hudson for Play Framework module[/caption]

The screen-shot above assumes you install the Cobertura module into Play. This gives you nice tracking of your code coverage. On a brand new Play application, with no extra code added by you the coverage is as shown by Hudson in the screen-shot below.

Initial code coverage on an empty Play Framework app

When working on an Agile project it is important to get the continuous integration set up from the very beginning — and it turns out to be easy to do that with Play.

date: '2010-09-06 15:58:18' layout: post slug: well-beings-veterinary-homeopathy status: publish title: Well Beings Veterinary Homeopathy wordpress_id: '979' categories: Science

I just discovered that in my neighborhood is a business called Well Beings Veterinary Homeopathy. People in the city do treat their pets like people, and belief in homeopathy is consistent with stereotypes of Californians, but what really tickled me was to see the “well” prefix (usually as in “well-woman” or “well-baby”) added to the somewhat Buddhist use of the word “being”. This name sounds like a parody created by someone mocking San Francisco.

(Homeopathy is an alternative medicine, which treats diseases with ultra-pure water.)

In digging deeper, I found this was not an aberration, that there are practitioners of veterinary homeopathy in many parts of North America. One disturbing thing I found was in a question-and-answer page on the web site of the person responsible for training many of these practitioners:

Q 12. If you are treating an animal with homeopathy and they need dentistry (perhaps teeth removed), or are thought to have Lyme disease, or develop an infection or abscess, would you then change over to using antibiotics and other allopathic treatments?

There are many veterinarians that offer homeopathy that do not really rely on it when “times get tough”, when there is what appears to be an infection or severe inflammatory condition. This, of course, is their professional opinion but going back and forth between homeopathy and the usual use of drugs does not really work well and is not the most skillful approach. You may not have choice in this regard but if you do, especially with animals having a chronic condition, try to find a veterinarian that firmly believes in and uses homeopathy even in what appears to be serious illness.

(The term “allopathic” is a term used by homeopathic proponents to describe standard medicine.)

For human beings, we might expect some benefit from homeopathy just because of the placebo effect. However for non-human beings, presumably homeopathy will have absolutely no effect because they will not have a placebo response.

I hope there are not too many animals that suffer unnecessarily as a result of being given pure water instead of real veterinary care.

date: '2010-08-29 13:58:35' layout: post slug: challenging-dogma status: publish ref: http://www.flickr.com/photos/87435331@N00/3550096549/ title: Challenging “Challenging Dogma” wordpressid: '971' categories: Science image: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2429/3550096549327882169c_m.jpg image-text: Flickr photo

Challenging Dogma, originally uploaded by andrewrosspoetry.

I somehow got sucked into a rather exhausting debate on evolution with creationist Andrew Ross in the comment section of one of his photographs on Flickr.

date: '2010-06-05 22:31:52' layout: post slug: announcing-0-5-release-of-nrby-photos-a-palm-webos-app-to-display-nearby-photographs status: publish ref: https://web.archive.org/web/20141023104118/https://developer.palm.com/webChannel/index.php?packageid=org.eamonn.nrby title: Announcing 0.5 Release of Nrby Photos, a Palm WebOS App to Display Nearby Photographs wordpress_id: '885' categories: Product

Thanks again to the beta testers who have helped shape the features in this release.

The Beta 0.5 will soon be available for installation from the Palm application web page.


  1. Internal changes to how the search radius is adjusted according to the local density of photographs.

  2. Make the refresh button semi-transparent.

  3. Miscellaneous bug fixes.

Please add any questions or comments below.


There is now a new dedicated web page for the app, as well as a video clip demo:

date: '2010-06-01 21:52:14' layout: post slug: announcing-0-4-release-of-nrby-photos-a-palm-webos-app-to-display-nearby-photographs status: publish ref: https://web.archive.org/web/20141023104118/https://developer.palm.com/webChannel/index.php?packageid=org.eamonn.nrby title: Announcing 0.4 Release of Nrby Photos, a Palm WebOS App to Display Nearby Photographs wordpress_id: '873' categories: Product

Thanks again to the beta testers who have helped shape the features in this release.

The Beta 0.4 is now available for installation from the Palm application web page.


  1. Photos do not now automatically refresh when new photos are available, but instead the user controls the refresh explicitly by pressing a button.

  2. Included with the title of a photo is an indication of how far away and in what direction is the photo.

  3. Miscellaneous bug fixes.

Please add any questions or comments below.

date: '2010-05-28 22:34:26' layout: post slug: new-beta-0-3-release-of-nrby-photos-a-palm-webos-app-to-display-nearby-photographs status: publish ref: https://web.archive.org/web/20141023104118/https://developer.palm.com/webChannel/index.php?packageid=org.eamonn.nrby title: New Beta 0.3 Release of Nrby Photos, A Palm WebOS App to Display Nearby Photographs wordpress_id: '861' categories: Product

Thanks to all the beta testers of the 0.2 release for your testing and reviews.

A much improved 0.3 version is now ready for installation from the Palm application web page.

Changes in 0.3:

  1. Display the photo title, which is also a hyperlink to the Flick photo page.

  2. Improve algorithm for selecting photographs to include closeness as well as interestingness, and to automatically adjust the radius of search depending on the density of nearby photos.

  3. Display a status message when communicating with Flickr so when you have a slow network connection you can tell what is happening.

  4. Display some dummy photos in case you have no network connection or if there are no photos within 32 km.

  5. Use photos to which I have copyright (my own) as the example photos and dummy photos.

  6. Fixed some bugs encountered when flicking through photos.

  7. Fixed some bugs accessing Flickr.

Please add any comments or questions below.

(Update: There is now an later release)

Displays photographs that people on the Flickr have taken close to your current location. Flick left and right to browse through the photographs. Automatically updates as you move. (All photographs are copyright of their owners.)

You can install the beta release from the Palm application web page.

This is a personal open-source project. The code is on GitHub.

(Update: there is now a new improved release.)

The meme of Christianity was in decline on the Western fringe of Europe as the Germanic tribes of the Angles and Saxons and Franks swept aside the lingering Celtic-Roman society left behind by the Roman Empire. But, some carriers of the meme, personified in legend as St Patrick, made it to Ireland where it proved stronger than the pre-existing polytheistic Druidism, and from its Atlantic fastness it ultimately spread back East and Christianized the invading Germanics. I celebrate this today not so much because of the Christianity but because of the technology of Writing that accompanied it, setting Ireland on a literary course that ultimately lead to Yeats and Joyce and Becket and Heaney. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

date: '2010-03-07 13:13:48' layout: post slug: don%e2%80%99t-read-this-if-you-plan-to-listen-to-the-pimsleur-mandarin-audio-course status: publish title: Don’t read this if you plan to listen to the Pimsleur Mandarin audio course! wordpress_id: '767' categories: Language

I like the Pimsleur courses a lot. They allow you to get to a very basic speaking level in a language very quickly.

The courses are audio-only — in fact, they expressly discourage you from reading the language while you are listening to the course.

Nevertheless, now that I am finished the first eight lessons I feel the need to actually see what the written Chinese (both pinyin and characters) looks like. So here is the vocabulary from Pimseur Quick and Simple Chinese Mandarin, Lesson 1. I show both the standard pinyin and in my own phonetic impression of how the words sound.

Words (with translations from Pimsleur)


dui4 bu5 qi3

dway boo chee

excuse me


Ying1 wen2

een wen

English (language)

















qing3 wen4

chin wen

please let me ask





pu3 tong1 hua4

poo tung hwah

common language / Mandarin Chinese (PRC)


yi1 dian3

ee dyar

some / a little


Mei3 guo2

may gw'awe








Characters (with translations from MDBG)



one; a, an; alone



no, not; un-; negative prefix



man; people; mankind; someone else



assemble, meet together; meeting



you, second person pronoun



(question tag)



nation, country, nation-state



correct, right; facing, opposed



our, us, i, me, my, we



literature, culture, writing



indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that



universal, general, widespread



dot, speck, spot; point, degree



beautiful, pretty; pleasing



petal, flower, leaf; brave, a hero; England, English



speech, talk, language; dialect



speak, say, talk; scold, upbraid



ask, request; invite; please



rise, stand up; go up; begin



pass through, common, communicate



ask about, inquire after

date: '2010-02-15 11:50:48' layout: post slug: decluttered-api-documentation-for-the-itext-pdf-manipulating-java-library status: publish ref: http://bit.ly/itextapi title: Decluttered API documentation for the iText PDF-manipulating Java library wordpress_id: '750' categories: Programming

The iText library is a great resource for generating and manipulating PDF files. However its API is very complex and there is a notable lack of good online tutorial material. So you often must resort to plowing through the Javadoc-generated API documentation trying to figure out how to use the library.

Doing that, you might be annoyed at the fact that the API available online does not just include the public and protected members, but also includes package-private and private members. While this would be useful to people working on the internals of iText, it is just a lot of useless clutter to most people who are just going to use the API.

So I regenerated the Javadoc from the 5.0.1 source, using the default settings which hides the private stuff. You can access this at:
